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Upward attractiveness: even more international students in French higher education than in 2016

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Plus 4.5% compared to 2016: a significant increase of the number of international students in 2017/18. Last year, 343,400 students chose France, according to Repères et références statistiques the recently published statistics from the ministries of education, higher education, research and innovation.

Three sections are dedicated to international students in France in the recently published version of Repères et références statistiques, a reference publication in education, higher education and research.

Various lines were used to shed the light on this rising trend, and provide a presentation of the international student population in France using various criteria including the place of origin, course level, gender, institution and training. Various few key figures appear.

Student population by geographical origin

  • About one international student out of two in France is of African origin: 24% come from Northern Africa, and 21% from sub-Saharan Africa. 
  • 22% come from Europe, including 18% from the EU.
  • 21% come from Asia and Oceania, and 9% from the American continent.


Choice of institution

  • The university is the most popular training institution for international students: 70% study in university (1 point decrease compared with 2016-2017).
  • The share of international students increased by one point in schools (business, management, sales, art, architecture, journalism).


Choice of course at the uni

  • International students, regardless of the continent, firstly choose literary disciplines (31,3%), then scientific courses (29.1%) and economic courses (17.8%).
  • African students prefer scientific courses (35.5%) or economic courses (20.7%), and equally choose with the latter literary courses (21.0%).


The case of female students

  • Regardless of the continent, female students are a majority in the student population (54.1%, -0.2 point), except for Africa, where they represent 45.9% of students (+0.2 point).
  • On the other hand, female students represent two thirds of European students (66.1%).


How are international students counted in French higher education? 

According to the definition provided by the ministry, is considered an international student any student declaring a foreign nationality and registered in a French higher education institution. So figures factor in students with a foreign nationality already living in France. In addition, non-graduating mobility (academic exchange not leading to a degree) is not included.


Follow the main steps to come study in France

Published on: 18/09/2018 à 14:08
Updated : 18/09/2018 à 14:13
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