Advantages for members of the Campus France Forum


Campus France has set up a large number of structures to assist the members of the Forum. The agency organises activities in France and abroad to promote and highlight the academic programmes here.

Active participation in Forum activities

The member institutes are major contributors to the Campus France Forum activities. They participate in the Forum's annual general meeting and are invited to the annual seminar involving the agency's regulating ministries, representatives of nearly 350 French organisations, and representatives of institutes of higher education.

"Doctoral research and training", "European attractiveness" and "Exchange of good practice on receiving refugees and migrants": a few examples of the subjects dealt with by the themed roundtables of the Campus France Forum. Within these roundtables, the Forum's member institutes can make recommendations to strengthen the international attractiveness of French educational institutes. They are then submitted to the Campus France board of directors.

rencontres recherche campus france
Remise d'une lettre commune CPU/CGE/CDEFI/ Campus France à Mme la Ministre de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation sur l'attractivité de l'enseignement supérieur français (juillet 2017)



A preferential rate for participation in Campus France activities

The Forum's member institutes enjoy a discount of 50% on registration fees for activities organised by Campus France in France or abroad. This discount concerns:

  • demonstrations aimed at students: trade fairs, themed missions, student recruitment missions;
  • demonstrations aimed at institutions, such as:
    • events organised by international organisations for the internationalisation of higher education such as the EAIE, APAIE and NAFSA;
    • Country Days organised by Campus France offices around the world;
    • foreign education officer missions in France;
    • colloquia and seminars organised by Campus France or its partners;
    • actions to promote positions abroad.
manifestation campus france
Séminaire à l'attention de l’Université de Guadalajara sur les « Expériences et meilleures pratiques de l’enseignement supérieur en France » (mai 2017)

An invitation to Campus France Meetings

Exclusively reserved for the Forum's member institutes, the Rencontres Campus France (Campus France Meetings) give them the opportunity to meet diplomatic representatives and managers of Campus France Offices from around the world.

This event is the ideal way to inform people about your institute's academic programmes as well as your promotional activities and academic cooperation initiatives. It is also the occasion to talk with the participants about cooperation and higher education in their countries and, perhaps, ask for their help with your projects.

rencontres 2016
Les Rencontres Campus France 2016 : L'Afrique à l'honneur

An invitation to the Research and Innovation Meetings

Exclusively reserved for the Forum's member institutes, the Rencontres de la recherche et de l’innovation (Research and Innovation Meetings) let them talk with French diplomatic representatives specialised in scientific, academic and technological cooperation.

This event is a unique opportunity to meet contacts from the countries represented. You can also participate in the workshops presenting new strategies in the field of the research.


rencontres de la recherche et de l'innovation 2017


Support from the Campus France offices abroad

The Forum's member institutes can receive support from the 260 Campus France offices and branches located in more than 120 countries. These offices constitute an essential relay to help in the promotion of their academic programmes and in their communication activities abroad.

Promoting your institute's reception services

A Reception Sheet published by Campus France is devoted to each of the Forum's member institutes. Made available to foreign students and researchers, it presents in French and in English the reception services at the institute in question.

For more information on the Reception Sheets, contact

Referencing your short programmes and cultural stays

Campus France's catalogue of short programmes lists all of the short programmes and cultural or language stays offered by the Forum's member institutes. The list of these programmes is also widely distributed through the Immersion France application.


For more information about the catalogue of short programmes, contact Marie Chamoreau, Manager of Artistic Training and the Campus Art network:

Referencing your art and architecture programmes

Campus France publishes, on the site CampusArt, a catalogue of art and architecture programmes which lists the programmes conferring a level I, II or III national degree, grade or title registered with the RNCP, and offered by the Forum's member institutes. On CampusArt, applicant students have access to a simplified online recruitment procedure.

le portail Campus Art
Portail Campus Art

For more information about the catalogue of art and architecture programmes, contact Marie Chamoreau, Manager of Artistic Training and the Campus Art Network:

Priority placement of scholarship recipients in your institute

In the context of certain scholarship programmes managed by Campus France, foreign students who are scholarship recipients are given priority placement in Campus France Forum member institutes.


Noureddine Manamanni
Secrétaire général du Forum Campus France

Élodie Rudant
Chargée du Forum Campus France

Follow the main steps to come study in France
