The new promotion of e-Ambassadors for 2018


Launched in September 2017 by Campus France, the blog of e-Ambassadors now includes 8 new bloggers, international students currently in studies stay in France. 

Campus France is delighted to welcome in its Blog of e-Ambassadors:  

  • Brian, American, in student exchange in the Sciences Po campus in Reims; 
  • Lolidio, Mozambican, in Master of Tourism Management and Engineering at the University of Reunion Island;
  • Maria, German, in Master of Franco-German Management and Marketing at the  New Sorbonne University;
  • Milton, Peruvian, in Master at the Montpellier Business School;
  • Mohammed, Yemeni, in French language intensive training at the CIEL in Brest before starting his studies in political science at the start of academic year 2018;
  • Montserrat, Mexican, in Master at the ISIT Institute of Management and Intercultural Communication in Paris;
  • Niven, Indian, in Master of Management and Engineering at the ICAM Paris Sénart;
  • Ruoyu, Chinese, in engineering training at the EPF Engineering School.

They have joined the group of Jorge, Slava, Imen, Ivana, who will continue to share their experience as international students in France.

Check out their articles about accommodation, their arrival in France, their travels, their nightlife and their personal tips on the Blog of Campus France e-Ambassadors.

Odam and Yanxiang finished their studies and went back to Nigeria and China, respectively. We hope to receive news from them and read their story on "Life after a study stay in France". 

Follow the main steps to come study in France

Published on: 30/03/2018 à 15:10
Updated : 30/03/2018 à 15:11
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