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Priority given to reception of onsite students for the start of the academic year

The French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation just specified the organisation conditions for the academic year 2020. New actions should help higher education institutions welcome as many students as possible, in line with health recommendations.

Updated on August 28, 2020


The ministry in charge of Higher education specified in a circular dated on August 6, 2020, the recommendations to welcome students for the start of the academic year in line with health recommendations.


Physical distancing, masks and preventive measures

Various measures are recommended. The first is to keep “a 1 metre physical distancing or one seat between individuals seated in confined space”, i.e. Classrooms, libraries, etc.

More generally, the ministry added that “wearing a mask will be mandatory in higher education institutions for everybody”, such as the “systematic application of preventive gestures”, particularly frequent handwashing, with “provision of adequate equipment and products”.


Health measures in public areas

Onsite activities will be recommended under specific conditions, which should “ensure compliance with health measures”. This includes libraries and university restaurants, which will “open again for users”, and always in conditions ensuring compliance with measures. In addition, in public areas, such as sports gyms, preventive measures will apply. To be noted that the ministry recommends “specific attention” with regards to potential “festive events during the start of academic year”.


Accompanying and preventive actions 

Health attention” will be implemented with information published to invite students with symptoms similar to Covid-19 to stay home. In regards to access to care, accompanying actions for students will be improved, such as “continuing to use teleconsultation, in order to maintain easy access to care for students”, and “various prevention systems or systems facilitating access to care”.




A student guide to prepare your start of class

In addition to the circular, the ministry in charge of higher education published a complete guide, “describing measures in favour of students to apply for the start of the academic year”: aid scheme to find accommodation and a job, social welfare benefits, actions for disabled students, university restaurants, actions to improve student life, and more.

Follow the main steps to come study in France

Published on: 31/08/2020 à 17:00
Updated : 31/08/2020 à 17:07
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