The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) has launched a survey among both French and international students (mobile or not) to make international mobility more accessible and quality-focused.

Who can take part in the “MobiliTez-vous” survey?

Anyone, whether young or not so young, can take part in the ESN France survey, regardless of their experience:

  • If you are a foreign student currently in France, your opinion on the reception, support and stay conditions is essential to the survey.
  • If you are a French student who is currently mobile or if you have already experienced mobility in a foreign country, your feedback is also crucial, whether it touches on the reasons for your choice and your stay itself or on what you learnt from the experience.
  • If you have never experienced mobility, your opinion may also be relevant: in what ways do you think mobility could be beneficial?

Why launch the survey?

The main goal is to find out more about young people who are mobile and those who are less so, about their choice and about their experience. ESN wants to “develop new proposals so that international mobility becomes more accessible and quality-focused”. All responses should help improve mobility, reception conditions and support, but also increase mobility grants in France and abroad.
The aim is also to assess the information provided to young people regarding mobility, and offer improvements in this regard.

What is ESN?

The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is an international student association that operates in around 40 countries. In France, ESN concluded partnerships with Campus France and now has 35 local branches in the main French university towns, promoting a more suitable reception for international students.

 To respond to the survey:



Follow the main steps to come study in France

Published on: 05/03/2019 à 11:23
Updated : 29/07/2019 à 12:03
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