Campus France Live avec ICN BS 27 avril 2021

Campus France Live with ICN Business School: replay

Students, Institutions

On Tuesday 27 April 2021, ICN Business School was on Campus France Live to present its innovative pedagogical approach and the MSc in international management (MIEX). The replay of the show is available. 

On Tuesday 27 April 2021, Campus France interviewed ICN Business School in a show on social networks to present its innovative pedagogical approach and the MSc in international management (MIEX).

Show programme

  • General presentation ICN Business School and the MIEX programme
  • International admission processes
  • Greeting services and student life services
  • Professional insertion  


  • Dr. Kamel MNISRI, Associate professor and director of the MIEX programme
  • Aleksandra CHERSKA, head of international promotion
  • Alejandro CUEVAS DOMINGUEZ, Alumni from ICN BS


Our guests answered questions from the audience live.

Missed the show? You can watch the replay at any time.



Campus France Live: replay (show broadcasted on 27 April 2021)



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Published on: 07/05/2021 à 14:49
Updated : 07/05/2021 à 14:50
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