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THE Young University Ranking 2024: 4 French institutions in the Top 10

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The Young University Ranking by the Times Higher Education ranks the best universities at world level with less than 50 years of existence. This year’s ranking, released on 14 May, includes a total of 673 universities. France registers four institutions in the Top 10: PSL (2nd), Paris-Saclay University (5th), Institut Polytechnique de Paris (6th) and Sorbonne-Université (8th). In total, 20 French institutions are ranked in the Top 500.

In parallel to the general ranking of the world’s best universities, the Times Higher Education, a famous British media specialised in higher studies, published a second ranking focusing more particularly on “young universities”, i.e. universities that are 50 years old or younger, called Young University Ranking. Just like the general ranking, institutions concerned are judged using 18 indicators focusing on “across all their core missions – teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook”.


Four French institutions display sharp increase

This year, the ranking of “world universities created since 1974” was established using 673 institutions, universities or “grandes écoles”. They include four French institutions, all up two places compared to 2023, in the Top 10.

They are:


Twelve French institutions in the Top 100

In the Top 100 of the young universities ranking, eight additional groups of institutions implemented all over France complete the total of 12 French institutions in the Top 100:


Four institutions in the Top 200

In addition to these, four more French universities are in the Top 200:

From the 200th to 500th rank, there are four additional universities and schools:  Université Clermont Auvergne, IMT Nord-Europe, Université de Technologie de Troyes and Université Polytechnique des Hauts-de France.

Follow the main steps to come study in France

Published on: 23/05/2024 à 17:07
Updated : 03/06/2024 à 10:19
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