Bilan du Label Bienvenue en France

Campus france publishes a report on the "Bienvenue en France" label and announces future developments at its welcome symposium

A key component of the "Bienvenue en France" strategy, the "Bienvenue en France" label currently recognizes 150 institutions of higher education committed to improving the quality of their welcome of international students. At the Welcome Symposium on June 7 & 8, 2023, Campus France presented the results of this initiative, launched in 2018, and announced its future developments.

Institutions having received the label welcome two-thirds of all international students in France

Since the launch of the "Bienvenue en France" label in November 2018, 150 institutions of higher education throughout France and its overseas territories have been awarded the label between 2019 and 2023. Among them, there are equal numbers of universities (34%) to engineering schools (34%), and 19% are business and management schools. These accredited institutions welcome more than 65% of students to degree-granting exchange programs throughout France.



There are three label levels which reflect the quality of reception facilities, progressing from 1 to 3 stars for the most advanced. Of the 150 institutions receiving the label, 33 are Level 3 (22%), 101 are Level 2 (67%) and 16 are Level 1 (11%).

Positive initial results confirm the label's status within the areas of French Higher Education and Research

The 2019-2022 "Bienvenue en France" Label Review presents an overview of reception conditions for each of the label's five reference criteria:

1. Quality and accessibility of information

84% of institutions offer web pages specifically designed for international students. Most provide detailed information in English. Application procedures are very often paperless, and administrative follow-up can be done online throughout the year.

2. Quality and accessibility of welcome facilities

Nearly half of all institutions offer a multi-service reception desk. Other key elements include agreements with local partners and welcome booklets. More than 9 out of 10 coordinate integration activities for international students.

3. Accessibility and support for teaching - Many schools offer preparatory training and organized support, often supplemented by refresher courses or French as a foreign language.

4. Housing and quality of campus life - There are numerous partnerships for facilitating the search for housing. Other best practices include a special welcome for international students, monitoring centers and support services.

5. Quality of post-graduation follow-up - More than 40% of institutions set up personalized systems and a genuine entrepreneurial culture. Most have developed post-graduation support tools. 


The Bienvenue en France label has established itself as a quality marker for the attractiveness and international development not only of the institution, but for the region as a whole.

Donatienne Hissard - Director General, Campus France


It's part of a continuous improvement process that helps develop practices within the institution, increase awareness of international hospitality and reinforce a positive image with new external partners.

Campus France provides higher education institutions, students and diplomatic posts with communication and promotional materials on the Bienvenue en France label (kits, flyers, videos, etc.). It also facilitates workshops during the training of new Campus France Espaces managers and responds to all their requests on the matter.


2023: Sustainable development joins the list of criteria

The self-assessment folder for institutions wishing to take part in the labeling process will be expanded with a sixth criterion relating to an institution's commitment to sustainable development and social responsibility (SD&RS), which measures the quality and accessibility of steps implemented to mobilize and promote international students, to inform and raise awareness of environmental and societal issues among these students and measures to support a sustainable and inclusive transition geared towards improving student well-being.

This new criterion will complement the strengthening of the following themes: the welcoming of disabled students, distance learning, sports and listening & support systems. The duration of the Label has been extended to five years, which corresponds to the five-year timeframe for the HCERES and CTI.


Follow the main steps to come study in France

Published on: 12/06/2023 à 10:41
Updated : 12/06/2023 à 11:05
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