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Easier access to CROUS grants and housing for refugee students

From the beginning of the next academic year, refugee students and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, enrolled in a DU "Passerelle - Etudiants en exil" (Gateway - Students in Exile), will be eligible for scholarships under social criteria and to CROUS housing.

On 12 April, during a visit to the University of Strasbourg, the Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Frédérique Vidal, announced that the DU "Passerelle - Etudiants en exil" courses will be included in the courses eligible for social aid from the start of the 2019/2020 academic year

As a result, refugee students and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, most of whom enrol in DU Passerelle to continue their studies in France, will be able to benefit from scholarships under social criteria for student housing and institutional catering managed by CROUS.

According to the Minister, there are 2,000 students enrolled in a DU "Passerelle - Etudiants en exil" in thirty universities who can benefit from this measure.

This new system is part of a larger initiative, which includes initiatives led by the network of French institutions Migrants dans l'Enseignement supérieur (Migrants in Higher Education), by the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (Frencophone University Agency) through the AIMES programme, and by Campus France. They offer a very comprehensive information portal for students and researchers exiled in France

"One of the major challenges for exiled students is to be able to start or resume studies in decent conditions, with a real prospect of professional and social integration. By opening access to all of the aid packages offered by the state, we increase the chances of success." Frédérique Vidal, Strasbourg, 12 April 2019. 

Subsidiary protection is granted to any person whose situation does not meet the definition for refugee status but for whom there are serious and proven grounds for believing that they run a real risk of serious harm in their own country.


Follow the main steps to come study in France

Published on: 12/04/2019 à 15:33
Updated : 24/11/2022 à 10:20
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